Follow these simple care tips to ensure that the beautiful vase of flowers you have received from Pearsons Florist maintains it's freshness and maximum longevity.
TOP UP THE WATER In case any water was spilled whilst your flowers were being delivered check the vase and top up the water if needed. Top up.png989 KB
CHANGE THE WATER Flowers need plenty of fresh water to maintain their beauty (just like us!) Change the water every few days. Simply lift the flowers out of the vase. Trim the stems and remove any leaves that may fall below the water line. Give your vase a good clean out and refill with clean water. Pop your flowers back into the vase. Dirty Water.png760 KB
PLACEMENT Place your flowers somewhere that you can admire them. But remember to avoid heat, direct sunlight, windows and strong draughts. Flowers will last longer in a cool room. And here’s a little insider tip – don’t stand them near the fruit bowl – the ethylene gas emitted can cut seriously cut the lifespan of your flowers!! Vase Care Tips (1).png1.42 MB
Pearsons has been running an award winning School of Floristry for over 20 years. Offering a full Career Course for those wanting to be a florist plus Short Courses and Workshops simply for fun!! Our Short Courses and Workshops will give you the chance to "play" with flowers, learn tips and tricks of the trade plus take home your own gorgeous flower design at the end. Our courses are fun and fabulous!!