PEONY Power!
There are few things more satisfying than reaching that time of the year in Sydney when we know SUMMER is just around the corner.
Here at Pearsons Florist, nothing shouts this glorious fact louder than the arrival of the beautiful seasonal PEONY (hello my beauty) …
Delighting true flower-lovers with their stunning shades of coral, champagne, palest pink, white, deepest burgundy (and more!), Peonies begin as tightly wound buds but give them a few days and you’ll see your Peonies flesh out and flash their frills and ruffle those feathery petals like the tulle in a tutu in Swan Lake!
Peonies are the pfavourite flower for anyone celebrating anything in Spring. Anniversary? friend’s Birthday? Engagement? Baby shower?
Or for the little Springophile in you who just wants to celebrate the fact that SPRING IS HERE by picking up a bunch of peonies for the home.
If you or someone you know is as excited about SPRING as we are, PICK UP YOUR PEONIES from your closest PEARSONS FLORIST!